Cosmetic Myths

At the Beach Chanel, we try to stay on top of trends and what is happening around Miami. Something that everyone can agree on is that cosmetic procedures are the “thing to do” in Miami. Whether that is your casual Botox or a full-on BBL. With all these things happening there is a lot of misconceptions around them. The Beach Channel is here to help put you at ease if you are thinking about it and to clear up some preconceived thoughts:

1.       Botox will make me look expressionless

  • This comment is probably because you met someone that went to an inexperienced injector. Going to a board-certified doctor or PA that has been doing injections for quite some time is extremely important. An experienced injector should know how many units your body needs and should have a follow up appointment in two weeks for any corrections needed. If they do not have the follow up appointment…. Run for the hills and find a new injector! Botox and other neurotoxins should make you look refreshed like you got a good night’s rest.

2.       Neuotoxins (botox) are not safe

  • I have heard this one a lot and it honestly makes me chuckle because Botox is one of the world’s most widely researched medicines with thousands of various publications. When administered by a good provider (research on your doctor/PA is needed) it is the quickest and safest treatment for smoothing your wrinkles.

3.       Liposuction is the easiest way to lose weight

  • First off… liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. When you go into your consultation, a good doctor will want you to lose as much weight as possible before they perform the procedure. This is because the results of the liposuction will be better if you are in range of your goal weight and as healthy as possible. This is a procedure for stubborn fat that you can not lose with diet or exercise… not just because you do not want to hit the gym or change your diet.

4.       All laser procedures are the same…

  • When I first saw this, my first thought was how could anyone think like this. Each laser is different for different needs. If someone has Rosacea, acne scars, brown spots, melasma, birthmarks, wrinkles, etc. they all require a different laser or different laser settings. This then makes me want to get into the person behind the laser device. The provider in which you use is probably more important than the laser itself because this person must look at your skin and make the executive decision on what settings your skin needs. If these settings are off, your face could literally be burned off. With lasers I am extremely against discounted prices as I believe that paying the extra money for an experience provider is worth it. The wrong doctor with that discount code could make your face worse.. DO RESEARCH BEFORE APPOINTMENTS!

5.       Non-surgical cosmetic procedures are not as transformative as cometic plastic surgery

  • A lot of the time non-surgical procedures will get better results than going under the knife. Sometimes a little filler under the eyes can help more than getting a full on facelift. I am not against going under the knife but discuss with your doctor the other options beforehand.

6. I can go to any doctor that pops up on my google search

  • This comment makes me a bit frightened. While you can do this, that doesn’t mean you should. Not all doctors are created equal and sometimes they might have a better specialty. One might be a PRO at botox injections but are terrible when it comes to filler. There also might be the doctor that isn’t good at anything and their reviews show that. Research is super important and word of mouth from your friends.


Carly Wyler